Sri Chakra and Maha Meru/Astrology-Horoscope Service


The etymology of the word Sri Chakra denotes that by which anything is done.

Sri Chakra is similar to Karpaka Vriksha. Sri Chakra is Sarva Yantra, Manthra sakthi’s place which is equal to worship of All 3 Sakthis, 3 Moorthis, Pancha Boothas, Navagrahas, 51 Thathuvams, 33 crores Devas.

‘Sri’ is the name of mother goddess Aadhi Parasakthi who rules over the universe. She is so called because all living beings depend upon her for being, for happiness, for the fulfillment of their destiny. This Sri Chakra is the 1000 petals of Lotus which signifies Parasakthi’s Amsam. This is described as 44 Triangles including Bindhu. Sri Chakra Pooja results with Devi’s Anugraha along with all Manthra, Thanthra Ashtama Sithis & Entire World Attraction, Business wealth and Gold wealth, Free from Navagraha Dhosha, Disease free, No scare of Devil, Enemies.

Sri Chakra is made up of Gold for which many Poojas were performed by Siddhar Swamjis and secretly kept in all Sakthi Peethas. All Religions can perform Pooja to this Sri Chakra and can obtain Wealth, Health, Youth and Devi’s Anugraha. Every one can get this Sri Chakra worship along with Devi’s colour picture is commended for health, happiness, wealth and welfare which is universally acclaimed to be the most effective.


Three dimensional form of Sri-chakra is called ‘Maha Meru’. Shakthi of Maha Meru is countless which showers Wealth, Health and Prosperity like Karpaga Vriksha. All Religions can worship and meditate. It contains millions of Yantras & Thanthras which is most powerful. Sri Chakra Devotees’ next birth will be as Angels & Holy Devas.

Astrology-Horoscope Consultation Service

1. Astrology-Horoscope Consultation Service: Kindly share your horoscope for consultation with Guruji Shri Vishwa Brimha Sri Sri Vinothan Swamiji of Sri Navasakthi Sri Saradha Devi Temple. If horoscope is not available, Kindly share your Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Time of Birth to derive your Horoscope. 

2. Pooja/Havan Service Sri Chakra- Navavarna Pooja, Powrnami Pooja, all types of Pooja at Home/Temple/Business Place by Vedic Pandits.
Temple Kumbabishegam, Maha Sudarsana Homam, Grihapravesam, Upanayanam, Marriage, Ayushomam, Vastu Homam, Homam related to Horoscope Doshas, all types of Subha Vishesh events, Temple Construction according to perfect Vastu/Vedic procedures by professional Vedic Pandits/Scholars.

3. Special Pooja and Homam : Devotees can get remedies for their any Life problems by performing Special Pooja at their residence.  Our Guruji will come personally and perform Pooja and Homam along with Ambal Moorthi, Maha Meru, Ambal Padham which will be brought from the temple. Homam conducted will be Sri Maha Ganapathy Homam,  Navagrihahomam, Sri Maha Sudarasana Homam, Mahalakshmi Homam, Danvanthri Homam Special Navasakthi Homam. Homama Prasadh will be offered to devotees.

4. Yantras for Pooja Purpose at Home/Temple/Business Place:

Great Power Sri Chakram
To Remove Evil Power and Enemies Maha Miruthyungi
Wealth Dhanakarshanam
Goddess Lakshmi’s Presence at Home Kuberalakshmi
Wealth of Gold Swarnaakarshanam
To Remove Strong Diseases Dhanvanthri
To Get Married Sri Swayamvara Parvathi Yantras
Anchaneyar Hanuman
Business Flourishment Sagala (Whole) Business   Attraction Yantras
Education Sagala (Whole) Vidhya Siddhi
General Home Welfare Sagala (Whole) God’s / World’s   Attraction

5. Yantras to wear in locket:

Concentration Power in StudiesSagala Vidhya Prapthi
Study WellGavana Sitthi
ObstaclesTo Remove Hurdles
AttractionPeople Attraction
HealthTo Remove Bayaa
Remedy from Heat DiseasesSoorya Dhaba Nivarthi
Cold Diseases by WaterVaruna Roga Nivaaran
Cure Long DiseasesVyaadhi Nivaaran
Cure Child DiseasesBaalarishtam
Stomach DiseasesKulmaroga Nivaaran
Marriage and FamilyHusband-Wife Togetherness
Family InvolvementBoga Prapthi – Nabumsaga Nivarthi
To Be Blessed with BabyPuthror Patthi
MarriageVivaaha Praapthi
Enemies and ProtectionControl Enemies
Remove EnmityVeeralakshmi Pradham
Remove EnemiesChathru Naasanam
To Remove Evil DevathaisKsoothra Roga Nivaaran
Eradicate EvilsBrihmarakshasa Nivaaran
Spiritual GoalsPerform Pooja-Jebaa
God’s BlessingsDevadhaa Vasiyam
Devi’s BlessingsDevi Vasyam
For Deepa PoojaDeepa Lakshmi
WealthBusiness Flourishment
Money WealthDhana Laabham
Land-Building WealthBoomi Praapthi
Gold WealthSwarna Aaakarshanam
Increase Gold WealthGold Lotus of Swarnaagarshana Bhairavar Pooja
SuccessRajya Yoga Padhavi
Court ProblemsVazhakku Jayam
All WelfareSagala Kaarya Sitthi
Good SleepSoppana Sitthi
Health (Specific)Eye-Ear Diseases
AstrologyNavagriha Doshaa
Mental StrengthMental Strength
Good for WomenGood for Women

The most powerful Homas and Poojas  :

Very powerful huge Homas and Devi’s Poojas will also be conducted personally by our Guruji at interested Devotees premises upon their special requests Devotees are invited to approach our Guruji Sri Vishwa Brihma Vinodhan Swamiji to get these wonderful Yantras in the form of Gold or Silver for peaceful life and can attain good remedies for their life problems.
Silver or Golden Yantras are available for any temple (Temple Yantras to be kept at Temple), Pure Spadiga Mala, Lord Shiva made up of Pure Marbles, Spiritual sculpture of Maha Meru made up of Brass, Copper, Panchaloga Vigraham and various kinds of Pooja articles, Lucky Stones, Lucky Rings, Lucky Dollars, Navarathna Stones for Navagriha remedies .

Get in Touch


1. Share your Horoscope, Date of Birth, Place & Time

2. All types of Yantras – Homam by Vedic Sastras done here
3. Manufacturers of Panchaloha/Marble/Wood Idols
4. Manufacturers of Pooja/Gift Art Articles
5. Lucky Stone/Ring/Dollar/Pendant
6. Temple Pooja/Kumbabishegam

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